Angeliki Anastopoulou

Research Interests

  • Energy: Smart Grids
  • Economics of Energy
  • Demand-Response
  • Game theory




Journals & Books

  • Angeliki Anastopoulou, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, George D. Stamoulis , Optimal Targeting and Contract Offering for Load Curtailment in Nega-Watt Markets , IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems 4(4): 805-815 , (2017)

Conferences & Workshops

  • Angeliki Anastopoulou, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, George D. Stamoulis , Efficient incentive-driven consumption curtailment mechanisms in Nega-Watt markets , SmartGridComm , Venice , 2014
  • G.A. Orfanos, A.G. Anastopoulou, P.S. Georgilakis, Hatziargyriou, N.D. Hatziargyriou. , Static Transmission Expansion Planning under an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm , 8th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion , 2012
  • Angeliki Anastopoulou, Costas Kalogiros , and George D. Stamoulis , Methodology for Managing Cost-Effective Demand Response Campaigns Based on Demand Elasticity Profiles , SustainIt , Funchal, Madera , 2017

Research Projects Participation

  • NobelGrid H2020-LCE-646184: New Cost Efficient Business Models for Flexible Smart Grids
  • WATTALYST FP7-ICT-288322: Modelling and Analysing Demand Response Systems for Smart Grids
Angeliki Anastopoulou

Contact Info

Athens University of Economics and Business, 
Department of Computer Science, 
76 Patission St., 4th floor (Antoniadou wing), 
Athens 10434, Greece

Office: Theory, Economics and Systems Laboratory 
Tel.: +30 210-8203154 