Eleni Agiatzidou
Research Interests
Network economics and technology economics research: Regulation issues in Telecommunications and Design of algorithmic or economical incentive mechanisms
- Universal Service, Network Economics and Pricing, End-to-end QoS, Peer-to-Peer Networks, Socio-Economics, Future Internet, Spectrum Management, Business Models for Grid and Cloud computing
Ph.D. in Network Economics - Depart. of Information Systems, Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), 2013
- Thesis title: "Incentive mechanisms for the enforcement of the collaboration between Internet Service Providers", Supervisor: Prof. George D. Stamoulis, Advisors: Prof. Costas Courcoubetis (AUEB), Prof. Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich)
- Scholarship: HERACLITUS II – Enhancement of research workforce through doctoral research, funding duration: 09/2010 – 07/2013, Greek Ministry of Education and Longlife Learning, NSRF
- MSc in Information Systems, Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), 2008
- Thesis title: "Universal Service and Broadband", Supervisor: Prof. George D. Stamoulis
- BSc in Information Systems, Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), 2006
- Scholarship: Lifelong Learning Programme / ERASMUS – Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain, 02/2004 – 06/2004
- Internship in AWAPAI. Title: "Modern Software Systems for Content and Business Communication Services Management through Internet"
Journals & Books
- George Thanos, Eleni Agiatzidou, Costas Courcoubetis, George D. Stamoulis , Grid and Cloud Computing: A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications , Grid Business Models, Book Chapter 5 ISBN: 978-3-642-05192-0, Springer , November 2009
Conferences & Workshops
- A. Dimakis, A. Kostopoulos, E. Agiatzidou , Economic Implications of Energy-Aware Pricing in Clouds , 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2017) , Biarritz, Anglet, France , September 2017 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, E. Agiatzidou, A. Dimakis , Energy-aware Pricing within Cloud Environments , 13th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2016) , Athens, Greece , September 2016 , [pdf]
- Antonio Ghezzi, Manos Dramitinos, Eleni Agiatzidou, Finn Tore Johansen, Håkon Lønsethagen, Andrea Rangone, Raffaello Balocco , Internet Interconnection Techno-economics: A Proposal for Assured Quality Services and Business Models , HICSS 2014 , 2014
- Karim Djemame, Django Armstrong, Richard E. Kavanagh, Ana Juan Ferrer, David García-Pérez, D. R. Antona, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Christophe Ponsard, D. Ortiz, Mario Macías, Jordi Guitart, Francesc Lordan, Jorge Ejarque, Raúl Sirvent, Rosa M. Badia, M. Kammer, Odej Kao, Eleni Agiatzidou, Antonis Dimakis, Costas Courcoubetis, Lorenzo Blasi , Energy Efficiency Embedded Service Lifecycle: Towards an Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Architecture , ICT4S (Workshops) 2014 , 2014
- Eleni Agiatzidou, Costas Courcoubetis, Olivier Dugeon, Finn Tore Johansen, George D. Stamoulis , Inter-domain Coordination Models , Networking Workshops 2012 , 2012
- Eleni Agiatzidou, George D. Stamoulis , Collaboration between ISPs for Efficient Overlay Traffic Management , Networking (2) 2011 , 2011
- George A. Thanos, Eleni Agiatzidou, Juan-Carlos Cuesta, Alan Readhead, Davide Maria Parrilli, Karita Luokkanen-Rabetino , Grid Economics and Businesses: Meeting the Challenges , CISIS 2010 , 2010
Research Projects Participation
- ASCETiC - Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT Clouds: 610874 FP7, STREP,10/2013 – 09/2016, Providing novel methods and tools to optimise energy efficiency and minimise the carbon footprint resulting from designing, developing, deploying, and running software in Clouds, ascetic-project.eu
- DIACHRON: 601043, 04/2013 - 03/2016, Preserving the Evolving Data Web: Making Open / Linked Data Diachronic, Coordinator, diachron-fp7.eu*
- PaaSWord: 644814, 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2017, A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Platform-as-a Service Framework Introducing Distributed Encrypted Persistence in Cloud-based Applications,Integrator, paasword.eu*
- U-TURN: Shared Urban Freight Distribution - Food logistics: 635773, 06/2015 - 05/2018, Coordinator, design and development of the platform, u-turn-project.eu*
- ECIM - European Cloud Marketplace for Intelligent Mobility: CIP, ICT, 01/2014 - 06/2016, Marketplace to develop and offer innovative web services to improve urban mobility and transportation in cities, Technical manager, design and development of the platform, platform.ecim-cities.eu**
- ENTREDU - ENTRerpeneruship EDUcation: EE69-ENTREDU, 12/2012 - 05/2015, Develop awareness of entrepreneurship cross-curricular spectrum from an early age, Coordinator, design and development fo the platform, entredu.ea.gr*
- ETICS - Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services: FP7, IP, 01/2010-12/2012, INFSO-ICT-248567, Creating a new ecosystem of innovative QoS-enabled interconnection models between Network Service Providers, www.ict-etics.eu
- SmoothIT - Simple Economic Management Approaches of Overlay Traffic in Heterogeneous Internet Topologies: FP7, STREP, 01/2008 – 03/2011, INFSO-ICT-216259, Focus on designing, and evaluating mechanisms for management of traffic generated by P2P applications, www.smoothit.org
- BEINGRID - Business Experiments in Grid: FP7, IP, 06/2006 – 01/2010, IST-2005-034702, Establish effective routes to foster the adoption of Grid technologies across the EU and to stimulate research into innovative business models, 2008-2010, www.beingrid.eu
*As Project Coordinator
** As Technical Leader
Professional experience
- Senior Advisor, Financial Services, EY - Current Position
- Major Fields: Regulatory Information Systems, Retail Banking Strategy, Risk Models and Policies, Process Optimization
- Major Tasks: Business requirements analysis, data management, supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, customer experience improvements through the use of analytics
- Project Manager, R&D Department, INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL S.A. (Greece) - (2014 - 2016)
- Major Fields: Collaboration platforms, Web Services Marketplace, APIs
- Major Tasks: Project Management, Leading Technical Solutions,Business requirements analysis, Software Development