Kostas Sdrolias

Research Interests

  • Network Economics and Pricing of Network Services
  • Game Theory and Optimization
  • Telecommunications Regulation


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science (2017)
    Title: Economic Implications of Peering Agreements Between Content and Access Providers
    Supervisor: Prof. George D. Stamoulis

        Advisors: Prof. Costas Courcoubetis (Singapore University of Technology and Design

        and AUEB), Prof. George C. Polyzos (AUEB) 
        Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics


Journals & Books

  • C. Courcoubetis, K.Sdrolias, R. Weber , Paid Peering: Pricing and Adoption Incentives , Journal of Communications and Networks 18(6): 975-988 , December 2016
  • C. Courcoubetis, L. Gyarmati, N. Laoutaris, P. Rodriguez, K. Sdrolias , Negotiating Premium Peering Prices: A Quantitative Model with Applications , ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, vol. 16, no.2, pp. 14:1--14:22 , April 2016

Conferences & Workshops

  • C. Courcoubetis, K. Sdrolias, R. Weber. , Pricing the fast-lanes: A Qualitative Study on the Implications of Paid Peering Agreements , IEEE ICC , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , May 2016
  • L. Gyarmati, N. Laoutaris, K. Sdrolias, P. Rodriguez, C. Courcoubetis , From advertising profits to bandwidth prices-A quantitative methodology for negotiating premium peering , W-PIN+NetEcon 2014: The joint Workshop on Pricing and Incentives in Networks and Systems, in conjunction with ACM SIGMETRICS , Austin, USA , June 2014
  • C. Courcoubetis, K. Sdrolias, R. Weber , Revenue Models, Price Differentiation and Network Neutrality Implications in the Internet , . W-PIN+NetEcon 2013: The joint Workshop on Pricing and Incentives in Networks and Systems, in conjunction with ACM SIGMETRICS , Pittsburgh, USA , June 2013.

Research Projects Participation

  • OPTET FP7 - ICT - 317631: Operational Trustworthiness Enabling Technologies.
  • 5G Exchange (5GEx)

Professional experience

  •  Cognity S.A, Athens, Greece, December 2016-present
    • Software Engineer, Team member of Vodafone ONE Portal project.

Kostas Sdrolias

Contact Info

Athens University of Economics and Business,
Department of Computer Science,
76 Patission St., 4th floor (Antoniadou wing),
Athens 10434, Greece

Office: Network Economics and Systems Theory Lab
Tel.: +30 210-8203154
E-mail: sdrolias@aueb.gr