Spyros Papafragkos
Research Interests
- Queueing Theory
- Optimal Control of Queues and Networks
- Applied Probabilities
- Wireless Networks
- Ridesharing Platforms
- Ph.D. in "Computer Science" (2017)
Title: Distributed Control Algorithms in Queueing Systems
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Antonis Dimakis
Advisors: Prof. Costas Courcoubetis (Singapore University of Technology and Design
and AUEB), Prof. George D. Stamoulis (AUEB)
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics
- M.Sc. in "Computer Science" (2012)
Thesis: Power Control and Delay in Wireless Networks
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Antonis Dimakis
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics.
- B.Sc. in "Mathematics" (2009)
University of Patras, Department of Mathematics.
Conferences & Workshops
- A. Dimakis, S. Papafragkos , Resource pooling in CDMA cell-based systems through uplink power control , IEEE INFOCOM , San Francisco, California , April 2016
- A. Dimakis, S. Papafragkos , Minimizing queueing delay through CDMA uplink power control , IEEE CAMAD , Guildford, Surrey , September 2015
- A. Dimakis, S. Papafragkos , Optimizing Queueing Cost and Energy Efficiency in a Wireless Network , 12th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks , Hammamet, Tunisia , 2014
Research Projects Participation
- WiseGRID H2020-LCE-731205: Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European Smart Grid
- ASCETIC FP7-ICT-2013-610874: Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT Clouds
- Optimal Control of Self-Organized Wireless Networks (CROWN)

Contact Info
Athens University of Economics and Business,
Department of Computer Science,
76 Patission St., 4th floor (Antoniadou wing),
Athens 10434, Greece
Office: Theory, Economics and Systems Laboratory
Tel.: +30 210-8203154
E-mail: papafrag@aueb.gr