George D. Stamoulis
Research Interests
- Economics of telecommunication networks and clouds: Economic mechanisms for Internet traffic and cloud resource management, mechanisms for service charging, provision of the right incentives to users for shaping their demand in a socially optimal way.
- Demand response mechanisms in smart energy grids: provision of incentives for consumers to participate, optimal targeting of consumers, gamification (design and game-theoretic analysis of serious games for promoting energy saving).
- Design and evaluation of auction mechanisms specialized for selling spectrum, for selling adwords, for trading sensor data, and in general for the allocation of digital and network resources and other scarce resources.
- Analysis of business models and of the value chains formed by the stakeholders in networks, clouds and smart energy grids.
- Peer-to-Peer systems and mechanisms for reputation, for enforcement of truthful reporting, and for recommendations in electronic markets and environments.
- Telecommunications and electric power regulation topics.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, June 1991 (GPA 4.9/5.0)
Ph.D. Thesis: "Routing and Performance Evaluation in Interconnection Networks",
advisor: Prof.J.N.Tsitsiklis
M.Sc., Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, September 1988 (GPA 5.0/5.0)
M.Sc.Thesis: "Transient Analysis of Some Open Queueing Systems", advisor: Prof. J.N.Tsitsiklis
- National Technical University of Athens, Greece (N.T.U.A.)
Diploma in Electrical Engineering, July 1987 (GPA 9.80/10.0, ranked 1-st in 200)
Diploma Thesis: "Queueing Analysis of Slotted Buffered Mutiple Access Protocols" (in Greek), advisors: Prof. E.D. Sykas, and E.N. Protonotarios.
Research Projects Participation
G. D. Stamoulis coordinates (or coordinated) the participation of AUEB in:
The EU-funded projects below perform cutting edge multidisciplinary research in Smart Energy Grids:
- WiseGrid: the project puts in the market a set of solutions and technologies that increase the smartness, stability and security of an open, consumer-centric European energy grid, with an enhanced use of storage technologies and a highly increased share of renewables. Duration: November 2016 – April 2020, Total budget: 17,6M €, STEcon funding: 514.500€
- Nobel Grid: the project provides advanced tools and ICT services to all actors in the Smart Grid and in the retail electricity market in order to attain benefits from demand response, lower prices, more secure and stable grids and a cleaner mix of electricity in the presence of renewables and prosumers. Duration: January 2015 – July 2018, Total budget: 13,9M €, STEcon funding: 385.500 €.
- ChArGED: the project addresses the energy consumption in public buildings and proposes a gami-fication approach using IoT to facilitate energy efficiency and incite users to avoid waste of energy. Duration: March 2016 – February 2019, Total budget: 2,22M €, STEcon funding: 122.500€, equally shared by STEcon and another research group.
- OPTi: the project develops tools and techniques for modelling and optimizing existing and future district heating and cooling networks, studying among others automated demand response (ADR) programs with users being incentivized to sign ADR contracts. Duration: March 2015 – April 2018, Total budget: 2,1M €, STEcon funding: 289.375€.
- Wattalyst: the project analyzed, designed and implementation efficient Demand response (DR) programs for electricity, whereby users were appropriately incentivized to reduce their peak consumption if needed. Duration: November 2011 – December 2014 (completed), Total budget: 3,35M €, STEcon funding: 321.200€ .
The EU-funded projects below performed cutting edge research in various areas of ICT:
- 5Gex: the project studies the design and dimensioning of the core network to provide the necessary quality for 5G services, and the enabling of collaboration among operators, regarding 5G infrastructure services, by means of NFV/SDN-enabled multi-domain orchestration. Duration: October 2015 – June 2018, Total budget: 10M €, STEcon funding: 221.500€
- SmartenIT: the project dealt with economic and socially-aware mechanisms for the management of the traffic generated by cloud-based applications in the Internet, addressing also energy efficiency. Duration: November 2012 – October 2015 (completed), Total budget: 4,5M €, STEcon funding: 342.894€
- SmoothIT: the project designed, implemented and evaluated economic incentive compatible (Win-Win) mechanisms for the management of traffic generated by overlays (mainly peer-to-peer). Duration: January 2008 – March 2011, Total budget: 4,37M €, STEcon funding: 325.800€
- ASCETIC: the project studied and implemented methods and tools for developing energy efficient software, addressing the full s/w lifecycle (from s/w design to running in cloud). Duration: October 2013 – September 2011, Total budget: 4,4M €, STEcon funding: 288.291€
G. D. Stamoulis was the overall coordinator in the ARISTEIA project:
- INCEPTION: the project designed, implemented and evaluated a marketplace for sensor data in a participatory sensing environment, applicable to information sharing in IoT and smart cities, Duration: October 2012 – February 2015, Total budget: 180.000€
G. D. Stamoulis also participated (often with a leading technical role) in the following (selected) projects:
- BEINGRID, GRIDECON, MMAPPS, M3I, the Networks of Excellence EuroNGI, EuroFGI and EuroNF etc., most of which followed a technical approach combining technological, business and economic studies. For example: BEINGRID specified Business Experiments in Grid, developed grid business models and value chains and identified related business opportunities, while GRIDECON studied Grid Economics and Business Models and developed new economic mechanisms for a marketplace for grid resources.
Professional experience
- Dean of the School of Information Sciences and Technology, AUEB (Dec. 2017 – present)
- Director of the Theory, Economics and Systems Laboratory, AUEB (Feb. 2018 – present)
- Head of the Department of Informatics, AUEB (Nov. 2015– Nov. 2017)
- Head of the Service, Technologies and Economics (STEcon) research group, formerly Network Economics and Services (NES) (Sep.2013 – present)
- Scientific journal and conference reviewer (selected): IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Networks and Service Management, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Electronic Commerce Research (ECR), Computer Networks, Computer Communications, Telecommunication Systems Journal, Communications Magazine, INFOCOM, Valuetools, NETCOOP, ICQT, GECON.
- Collaborations with the Greek Regulatory Authorities for Telecommunications and Post (EETT) and Energy (RAE) on: design and analysis of auction mechanisms for the allocation of networking capacity, spectrum and other scarce resources, optimal fines for violation of telecom and competition laws etc.

Contact Info
Professor, Department of Informatics,
Dean, School of Information Sciences and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)
Head, STEcon research group,
tel: +30 210 8203549