George Thanos
Research Interests
- Economic modelling and optimization of emerging technologies, services and markets utilizing principles from microeconomics, behavioral economics, engineering and data science. Designing pricing, incentives' mechanisms and optimization algorithms.
- Financial modelling and engineering, business analysis, impact analysis, business modelling, CBA, data analysis, forecasting and planning for various market segments.
Sectors of applied research:
- Energy & Environment: Smart Grids, Smart Water networks, Energy Efficiency, Consumer Engagement
- Information and Communications Technology: Cloud computing, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Shared Economies
- Telecommunications: Next generation mobile networks
- PhD in Computer Science
Thesis: Business Models and Market Mechanisms to Stimulate Adoption of New Services in Clouds and the Internet of Things
Supervisor: Prof. Costas Courcoubetis (Singapore University of Technology and Design and AUEB)
Advisors: Prof. George D. Stamoulis (AUEB), Prof. George Polyzos (AUEB)
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics, 2013.
- MSc in Mobile and Satellite Communications
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Surrey, UK , 2001.
- BEng (with Honours) in Computer Systems Engineering
The University of Manchester (former UMIST), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2000.
Journals & Books
- George Thanos, Eleni Agiatzidou, Costas Courcoubetis, George D. Stamoulis , Grid and Cloud Computing: A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications , Grid Business Models, Book Chapter 5 ISBN: 978-3-642-05192-0, Springer , November 2009
- C. Gresty, T. Dimitrakos, G. Thanos and P. Warren , Meeting customer needs in Service Oriented Infrastructures , BT Technology Journal, Vol 26 No 1 , September 2008 , [pdf]
- George Xylomenos, Vasilis Vogkas and George Thanos , The Multimedia Broadcast / Multicast Service , Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol.8, no. 2, 2008, pp. 255--265 , 2008 , [pdf]
Conferences & Workshops
- G. Thanos, C. Courcoubetis, E. Markakis and G. D. Stamoulis. , Design and Experimental Evaluation of Market Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing Environments , 16th International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agents Design and Analysis , Paris, France , 2014 , [pdf]
- M. Jain, V. Chandan, M. Minou, G. Thanos, T. K. Wijaya, A. Lindt and A. Gylling , Methodologies for Effective Demand Response Messaging , Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm , Miami, Florida , 2015 , [pdf]
- M. Minou, G.D. Stamoulis, G. Thanos, and V. Chandan , Incentives and Targeting Policies for Automated Demand Response Contracts , Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm , Miami, Florida , 2015 , [pdf]
- Chandan V., Ganu T. Wiyava K. T., Minou M., Stamoulis G., Thanos G., Deva P. Seetharam , iDR: Consumer and Grid Friendly Demand Response , The 5th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy '14) , Cambridge, UK , 2014 , [pdf]
- G. Thanos, C. Courcoubetis, E. Markakis and G. D. Stamoulis , Design and Experimental Evaluation of Market Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing Environments , Extended abstract, ACM Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014) , Paris, France , 2014 , [pdf]
- G. Thanos, M. Minou, T. Ganu, V. Arya, D. Chakraborty, J. Deventer, G. D. Stamoulis. , Evaluating Demand Response Programs By Means Of Key Performance Indicators , 5th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS) , Bangalore, India , 2013 , [pdf]
- M. Kanakakis, M. Minou, C. Courcoubetis, G. D. Stamoulis, G. Thanos , A Practical Iterative Price-Based Approach for Optimal Demand-Response , The Third International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies , Lisbon, Portugal , 2013 , [pdf]
- K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, T. Wozniak, G. Thanos, D. M. Parrilli, B. Serrabou, K. Luokkanen-Rabetino , Turning Grid Research into Business - Identification of Commercialization Barriers , Proceedings of the First International ICST Conference on Digital Business (DIGIBIZ 2009), ISBN: 978-963-9799-56-1 , London, UK , June 2009 , [pdf]
- G. Thanos,E. Agiatzidou, K. L. Rabetino, I. Rosenberg, K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, J. C. Cuesta, A. Readhead, R. Dohmen. , The Impact of Security and Identity Management Issues in Grid: The Business Perspective , Proceeding of eChallenges 2009 , Istanbul, Turkey , October 2009 , [pdf]
- D. M. Parrilli, G. Thanos, K. Stanoevska-Slabeva , Software as a Service (SaaS) through a Grid Network: Business and Legal Implications and Challenges , eChallenges 2008 , Stockholm, Sweden , October 2008 , [pdf]
- K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, D. M. Parilli, G. Thanos , Defining Efficient Business Models for Grid-enabled Applications , eChallenges 2008 , Stockholm, Sweden , October 2008 , [pdf]
- K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, D. M. Parilli, G. Thanos , BEinGRID: Development of Business Models for the Grid Industry , GECON08, Proceedings, Pages 140-151, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volume 5206/2008), Springer , 2008 , [pdf]
- Stanoevska-Slabeva, C. F. Talamanca, G. Thanos, C. Zsigri , Development of a Generic Value Chain for the Grid Industry , The 4th International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, GECON 2007, Proceedings, Pages 44-57, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4685), Springer , 2007 , [pdf]
- G. Thanos, C. Courcoubetis, G. D. Stamoulis , Adopting the Grid for Business Purposes: The Main Objectives and the Associated Economic Issues , The 4th International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, GECON 2007, Proceedings, Pages 1-15, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4685), Springer , 2007 , [pdf]
- W. Fu, F.-J. Banet, G. Thanos, S. Rupp , Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of MBMS Data Routing , 2006 IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit , Myconos, Greece , 2006 , [pdf]
- George Thanos, Angeliki Anastopoulou , The emerging Smart Grid: Trends and challenges for existing and new business actors , LinkedIn article , , May 2016
Research Projects Participation
Energy & Environment
- WiseGRID H2020-LCE-731205: Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European Smart Grid
- NobelGrid H2020-LCE-646184: New Cost Efficient Business Models for Flexible Smart Grids
- CHARGED H2020-EE-696170: CleAnweb Gamified Energy Disaggregation
- OPTi H2020-EE-649796: Optimisation of District Heating Cooling systems
- WATTALYST FP7-ICT-288322: Modelling and Analysing Demand Response Systems for Smart Grids
- BEINGRID IST-2005-034702: Business Experiments in Grid
- GRIDECON IST-2005-033634: Grid Economics and Business Models
- ASCETIC FP7-ICT-2013-610874: Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT Clouds
- ASK-IT IST-2003-511298: Ambient Intelligence System of Agents for Knowledge-based and Integrated Services for Mobility Impaired users
- REMUNE IST-2001-652002: Advanced Real-Time Multimedia and Networking Execution Platform and Development Environment
- CASENET IST-2001-32446: Computer-Aided solutions to Secure Electronic commerce Transactions
Smart Cities & IoT
- INCEPTION (ARISTEIA/940): Incentives driven Participatory Sensing
- ISHTAR IST-2004-015929: Industrial Stimuli for the Harmonisation of European Research in the area of Location Based Services
- B-BONE IST-2003-507607: Broadcasting and Multicasting Over Enhanced UMTS Mobile Broadband Networks
- MB-NET IST-2002-39164: M-Business Network
Internet & Telecom Networks
- ETICS ICT-2010-93071: Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services
- NETMOB DSEBPRO-182-182: Conformance Testing and Monitoring of networks using mobile agents
- MOBILEIN FP6-IST-2002-004498: Harmonised Services over Heterogeneous Mobile, IN and WLAN Infrastructure
- EVOLUTE IST-2001-32449: Seamless multimedia services Over all IP-based infrastructures
- GEMINI IST-2001-33465: Generic Architecture for customised IP-based IN services over hybrid Voice over IP and SS7 networks
- POLOS IST-2001-35283: Integrated Platform for Location-Based Services
- LIBRE IST-2000-29313: Advanced LINUX-Based products for Embedded telecommunication solutions
- ATS-NETWORK IST-1999-29098: Applied Test Suites Network
- INTERVAL IST-1999-11557: Formal Design, Validation and Testing of Real-Time Telecommunication Systems
- CELLO IST-2000-25382: Cellular Network Optimisation Based on Mobile Location
Professional experience
- TELETEL S.A, Athens Greece, October 2001-March 2006
- Senior Research and Development Engineer, New Technologies and Applications Group
- MOTOROLA Ltd, UK, October 2000-September 2001
- Networks and Systems Engineer, GSM/EDGE/UMTS Core Network Research Division

Contact Info
Network Economics and Systems Theory Lab
76 Patission Str., GR-10343, Athens
Antoniadou wing, 4th floor
Department of Informatics
Athens University of Economics and Business
Other websites: