Alexandros Kostopoulos
Research Interests
- Network Economics and Pricing
- Adoption of new Internet Architectures
- Mobile and Wireless Networks
- Cloud Computing and Virtualization
- Ph.D. in Information Systems
Dissertation: Research on Economic Mechanisms and Incentives for Technologies of Future Internet
Advisor: Prof. C. Courcoubetis (AUEB). Supervising Committee: Prof. G. D. Stamoulis (AUEB), Prof. R. Weber (University of Cambridge).
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Computer Science (2009-13). - M.Sc. in Informatics
University of Piraeus, Department of Informatics (2007-09) - M.Sc. in Management and Economics of Telecommunication Networks
National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications - Department of Economics (2005-07) - B.Sc. in Business Administration
University of Piraeus, Department of Business Administration (2001-05)
Journals & Books
- M. Katsarakis, G. Fortetsanakis, P. Charonyktakis, A. Kostopoulos, M. Papadopouli , On User-centric Tools for QoE-based Recommendation and Real-time Analysis of Large-scale Markets , IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, no. 9 , September 2014 , [pdf]
- N. Fotiou, D. Trossen, G. Marias, A. Kostopoulos, G. Polyzos , Enhancing Information Lookup Privacy through Homomorphic Encryption , Security and Communication Networks, Wiley , December 2014 , [pdf]
- B. Tagger, D. Trossen, A. Kostopoulos, S. Porter, G. Parisis , Realising an Application Environment for Information-centric Networking , Computer Networks, Special Issue in Information Centric Networking, vol. 57, issue 16, pp. 3249-3266, Elsevier , November 2013 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, I. Papafili, C. Kalogiros, T. Levä, N. Zhang, D. Trossen , A Tussle Analysis for Information-centric Networking architectures , In F. Αlvarez et al. (Eds.): Future Internet – From Technological Promises to Reality, FIA 2012, LNCS 7281, pp. 6-17 , May 2012 , [pdf]
- D. Trossen, A. Kostopoulos , Techno-Economic Aspects of Information-Centric Networking , Journal of Information Policy, vol. 2, pp. 26-50 , 2012 , [pdf]
- P. Eardley, M. Kanakakis, A. Kostopoulos, T. Levä, K. Richardson, H. Warma , Deployment and Adoption of Future Internet Protocols , In J. Dominigue et al. (Eds.): The Future Internet: Achievements and Technological Promises, LNCS, vol. 6656, pp. 133-144, Springer , May 2011 , [pdf]
- H. Warma, T. Levä, H. Tripp, A. Ford, A. Kostopoulos , Dynamics of Communication Protocol Diffusion: the Case of Multipath TCP , NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, vol. 12, issue: 2, pp. 133-159, Springer , November 2011 , [pdf]
- T. Levä, H. Warma, A. Ford, A. Kostopoulos, B. Heinrich,R. Widera, P. Eardley , Business Aspects of Multipath TCP Adoption , In G. Tselentis et al. (Eds.): Towards the Future Internet: Emerging Trends from European Research, pp. 21-30, IOS Press , April 2010 , [pdf]
- M. Aldossary, K. Djemame, I. Alzamil, A. Kostopoulos, A. Dimakis, E. Agiatzidou , Energy-aware Cost Prediction and Pricing of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing Environments , Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 4532, Elsevier , 2019
Conferences & Workshops
- C. Kalogiros, A. Kostopoulos, A. Ford , On Designing for Tussle: Future Internet in Retrospect , IFIP EUNICE 2009 - The Internet of the Future, LNCS 5733, pages 98–107 , Barcelona, Spain , September 2009 , [pdf]
- H. Hammainen, A. Ford, A. Kostopoulos, B. Heinrich, T. Levä, R. Widera, C. Courcoubetis, P. Eardley , Business Models in a Multipath World , Future Internet Assembly (FIA) 2009 , Stockholm, Sweden , November 2009 , [pdf]
- C. Kalogiros, M. Bagnulo, A. Kostopoulos , Understanding Incentives for Prefix Aggregation in BGP , ACM CoNEXT ReArch'09 - Re-Architecting the Internet , Rome, Italy , December 2009 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, H. Warma, T. Levä, B. Heinrich, A. Ford, L. Eggert , Towards Multipath TCP Adoption: Challenges and Perspectives , NGI 2010 - 6th EuroNF Conference on Next Generation Internet , Paris, France , June 2010 , [pdf]
- M. Bagnulo, P. Eardley, A. Ford, A. Garcia, A. Kostopoulos, C. Raiciu, F. Valera , Boosting mobility performance with Multi-Path TCP , Future Network and Mobile Summit 2010 , Florence, Italy , June 2010 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, K. Richardson, M. Kanakakis , Investigating the Deployment and Adoption of re-ECN , ACM CoNEXT ReArch'10 - Re-Architecting the Internet , Philadelphia, USA , November 2010 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, A. Dimakis, C. Courcoubetis , Games Between Competing ISPs Employing Different Pricing Schemes , Euro-NF International Workshop on Traffic and Congestion Control for the Future Internet , Volos, Greece , March 2011 , [pdf]
- D. Trossen, A. Kostopoulos , Exploring the Tussle Space for Information-Centric Networking , 39th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC) , Arlington, USA , September 2011 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, A. Dimakis, C. Courcoubetis , Economic Incentives for Adopting Congestion Accountability Protocols , 26th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 26) , Karlskrona, Sweden , September 2014 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, M. Papadopouli , Looking for New Allies in Mobile Internet Market , IEEE INFOCOM SDP 2016, 5th Workshop on Smart Data Pricing , San Francisco, USA , April 2016 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, I. Papafili, G. Fortetsanakis, M. Papadopouli , Pricing Wireless Access Services: The Effect of Offloading and Users' Bounded Rationality , IEEE/IFIP 12th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS 2016) , Cortina d' Ampezzo, Italy , January 2016 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, E. Agiatzidou, L. Lopez, A. J. Ferrer , Revisiting Business Models within Cloud Market , 12th REHVA World Congress (CLIMA 2016) , Aalborg, Denmark , May 2016 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, E. Agiatzidou, A. Dimakis , Energy-aware Pricing within Cloud Environments , 13th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2016) , Athens, Greece , September 2016 , [pdf]
- A. Dimakis, A. Kostopoulos, E. Agiatzidou , Economic Implications of Energy-Aware Pricing in Clouds , 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2017) , Biarritz, Anglet, France , September 2017 , [pdf]
Research Projects Participation
- 5G ESSENCE: Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences. H2020-ICT 5G-PPP, RIA. URL: (with OTE).
- SESAME: Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services. H2020-ICT 5G-PPP, RIA. URL: (with OTE).
- COHERENT: Coordinated Control and Spectrum Management for 5G Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks. H2020-ICT 5G-PPP, RIA. URL: (with OTE).
- VITAL: VIrtualized hybrid satellite-TerrestriAl systems for resilient and fLexible future networks. H2020-ICT, RIA. URL: (with OTE).
- SANSA: Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas. H2020-ICT, RIA. URL: (with OTE).
- UNIFY: Unifying Cloud and Carrier Networks. FP7 IP CNECT-ICT. URL: (with OTE).
- CoRLAB: Developing the Foundations for Modeling and Analysis of Spectrum Markets. GSRT Research Excellent Grant (ARISTEIA). URL: (with FORTH-ICS).
- PURSUIT: Publish Subscribe Internet Technology. FP7-ICT. URL:
- Trilogy: Re-Architecting the Internet. FP7-ICT. URL:
- ASCETiC: Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT Clouds. FP7-ICT. URL:
- DIOGENES: ClouD for medΙa-aware real-time applicatiOns and services in HeteroGEneous NEtworkS. GSRT Bilateral Research Project between Greece – Israel. URL: (with OTE).
- WiseGrid: Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European Smart Grid. H2020-LCE-SGS. URL:
- YAKSHA: Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application. H2020-ICT, IA, H2020-ICT, EU-ASEAN (South East Asian Nations) Cooperation (with OTE).
- Privacy Flag: Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments. H2020-DS, IA. URL: (with OTE).
- Credential: Secure Cloud Identity Wallet. H2020-DS, IA. URL: (with OTE).
Professional experience
- Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) S.A. Research & Development & Laboratories and New Technologies Department, Technology Strategy & Core Network Division, Fixed & Mobile. Research Engineer.
- ΟΤΕplus – Technical and Business Solutions (member of OTE Group). Technology General Division. Consultant in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) projects.
- Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH). Telecommunications and Networks Laboratory, Mobile Computing Activity (head Prof. M. Papadopouli). Post-Doctoral Researcher.
- Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics. Network Economics and Services Research Group (head Prof. C. Courcoubetis) & Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (head Prof. G. Polyzos). Research Associate.
- IT Support Center, Hellenic Army. Division of Research and Informatics. Network and Systems Engineer.
- Athens University of Economics and Business. Laboratory administrator.

Contact Info