George Darzanos
Research Interests
- Network Economics and Pricing
- Game Theory and Optimization
- Cloud Computing and Network Virtualization Architectures
- Socially-aware Traffic Management and Caching
- Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science
Thesis: “Mechanisms and Policies for Resource Allocation in Clouds and Next Generation Networks”,
Co-supervisors: Prof. George D. Stamoulis and Prof. Iordanis Koutsopoulos
Advisor: Prof. Costas Courcoubetis
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, (11/2013-2/2022).
- MSc in Computer Science
Thesis:“Socially-aware Content Distribution and Traffic Management”,
Supervisor: Prof. George D. Stamoulis
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, (11/2011-7/2013).
- BSc in Informatics and Telecommunications
Thesis: “Efficient video transmission in joint WiMAX/satellite networks”
Supervisor: Prof. Lazaros Merakos
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (12/2005-2/2011).
Journals & Books
- L. Toka, M. Zubor, A. Korosi, G. Darzanos, O. Rottenstreich, B. Sonkoly , Pricing Games Among 5G Infrastructure Providers , Springer Journal on Telecommunication Systems , 2021
- G. Darzanos, I. Koutsopoulos, G. D. Stamoulis. , Cloud Federations: Economics, Games and Benefits , IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 2111-2124 , 2019
- L. E. Chatzieleftheriou, G. Darzanos, M. Karaliopoulos, and I. Koutsopoulos , Joint User Association, Content Caching and Recommendations in Wireless Edge Networks , ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 46, no 3, 12-17 , 2018
- M. Seufert, G. Darzanos, I. Papafili, R. Lapacz, V. Burger, T. Hossfeld. , Socially-Aware Traffic Management , Social Informatics: The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Zweig, K., Neuser, W., Pipek, V., Rohde, M., Scholtes, I. (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-319-09377-2 , October 2014
Conferences & Workshops
- G. Darzanos, I. Koutsopoulos, K. Papakonstantinopoulou, G. Stamoulis , Economics of Multi-Operator Network Slicing , in Proc. of IEEE WiOpt 2022 , Torino , 2022 , [pdf]
- G. Darzanos, C. Kalogiros, G. D. Stamoulis, H. K. Hallingby, Z. Frias , Business Models for 5G Experimentation as a Service: 5G Testbeds and Beyond , 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN) , 2022 , [pdf]
- G. Darzanos, L. E. Chatzieleftheriou, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Koutsopoulos , Content Preference-aware User Association and Caching in Cellular Networks , in Proc. of IEEE WiOpt 2020 (CCDWN) , Virtual Meeting , 2020
- M. Karaliopoulos, L. E. Chatzieleftheriou, G. Darzanos, I. Koutsopoulos , On the Joint Content Caching and User Association Problem in Small Cell Networks , in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2020 (ULMC6GN) , Virtual Meeting , 2020
- L. Toka, J. Tapolcai, G. Darzanos, B. Sonkoly. , On Pricing of 5G Services , Globecom 2017 , Singapore , 2017
- G. Darzanos, M. Dramitinos, G. D. Stamoulis. , Coordination Models for 5G Multi-provider Service Orchestration: Specification and Assessment , Gecon 2017 , Biarritz , 2017
- G. Darzanos, I. Koutsopoulos, G. D. Stamoulis. , Economics Models and Policies for Cloud Federations , IFIP Networking 2016 , Vienna , 2016 , [pdf]
- G. Darzanos, I. Koutsopoulos, G. D. Stamoulis. , A Model for Evaluating the Economics of Cloud Federations , IEEE CloudNet 2015 , Niagara Falls, Canada , 2015 , [pdf]
- V. Burger, G. Darzanos, I. Papafili and M. Seufert. , Trade-Off between QoE and Operational Cost in Edge Resource Supported Video Streaming , 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC) , Krakow , 2015
- G. Darzanos, I. Papafili, G. D. Stamoulis. , A Socially Aware ISP-friendly Mechanism for Efficient Content Delivery , 26th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 26) , Karlskrona, Sweden , September 2014 , [pdf]
- M. Seufert, G. Darzanos, V. Burger, I. Papafili, T. Hossfeld. , Socially-Aware Traffic Management , Workshop SozioInformatik 2013 , Koblenz, Germany , September 2013 , [pdf]
- G. Darzanos, M. Dramitinos, I. Papafili, G. D. Stamoulis, H. Lonsethagen. , Internet and 5G Tussles and a Way to Mitigate Them Innovative SPNP Re-Engineering , EuCNC 2016 , Athens , 2016
- G. Darzanos, I. Papafili, G. D. Stamoulis. , A model for posting and selection of videos by the users of an On-line Social Network , Workshop on Social-aware Economic Traffic Management for Overlay and Cloud Applications (SETM) , Zurich, Switzerland , October 2013
Research Projects Participation
- IoT Federations (IoTFeds) "7/2021 - present"
- Contibute to the design and definition of: (i) decentalized governance models for IoT Provider federations, (ii) trust and reputation mechanisms for decentalized IoT data markets and (iii) marketplace mechanisms for the exchange of data products.
- 5G Vertical Innovation Infrastructure (5G-VINNI) "7/2018 - 2/2022"
- Focus on the analysis of 5G ecosystem, the definition and assesment of suistanable business models for the provisioning of 5G experimentaion service, and the defintion and evaluation of profitable governace models for the provioning of network slice services over the infrastructure or multiple operators.
- 5G Exchange (5GEx) "11/2015-6/2018"
- Focus on designing incentive-based models for resource management in a federated environment of multiple infrastructure, network and service providers and defining certain policies and business models for the stability of the federation.
- SmartenIT(Socially-aware Management of New Overlay Application Traffic combined with Energy Efficiency in the Internet)
- Focus on designing and evaluating mechanisms for economic management of traffic generated by cloud-based applications and services exploiting information derived by Online Social Networks.
- RECITAL Project (Resource Management for Self-coordinated Autonomic Wireless Networks)
- Focus on designing incentive-based models for resource management in a federated environment of multiple cloud providers and defining certain policies for the stability of the federation.

Contact Info
Athens University of Economics and Business,
Department of Computer Science,
76 Patission St., 4th floor (Antoniadou wing),
Athens 10434, Greece
Office: Theory, Economics and Systems Laboratory
Tel.: +30 210-8203154