Costas Kalogiros
Research Interests
- Technology Impact Assessment (Business Model Evaluation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Technology adoption incentives): What-if scenarios & economic models
- Demand Response and Energy Efficiency in electric power systems (baseline and flexibility profiling, optimal targeting of users): Incentive mechanisms, Game theory, Optimization
- Network economics and services (Economics of Internet protocols, Regulation of Communication services): Incentive mechanisms, Game theory, Optimization.
- Routing (IP packet routing, VoIP call routing, ad-hoc networks): Economics, Performance Evaluation, Simulation.
- Internet Architectures (Design, Evaluation): Future Internet Design Principles, Design for Tussle, QoE and QoS, peer-to-peer.
- Economics of ICT Security (Trust computational models, end-to-end Trustworthiness, balancing trust and trustworthiness): Machine Learning, Game theory, Stochastic Optimization
- May 2004 – June 2009 PhD. in Computer Science, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Computer Science Department
- Thesis title: ‘Economic Issues and Technologies in VoIP’
- Supervisor: Prof. C. Courcoubetis (Excellent)
- Oct. 2002 – Dec. 2003 M.Sc. in Information Systems, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Computer Science Department (Awarded Degree: 7.85/10.0)
- Thesis Title: “Economic Aspects of Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP) Protocol in Voice over IP (VoIP)” (Thesis Degree: 10.0/10.0)
- Thesis Supervisor: Prof. C. Courcoubetis
- Oct. 1997 – Feb. 2002 B.Sc. in Computer Science, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Computer Science Department (Awarded Degree: 7.22/10.0)
Journals & Books
- Costas Kalogiros, Costas Courcoubetis, George D. Stamoulis, Michael Boniface, Eric T. Meyer, Martin Waldburger, Daniel Field, Burkhard Stiller , An Approach to Investigating Socio-economic Tussles Arising from Building the Future Internet , Future Internet Assembly (FIA) Book , Budapest, Hungary , March 2011 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, I. Papafili, C. Kalogiros, T. Levä, N. Zhang, D. Trossen , A Tussle Analysis for Information-centric Networking architectures , In F. Αlvarez et al. (Eds.): Future Internet – From Technological Promises to Reality, FIA 2012, LNCS 7281, pp. 6-17 , May 2012 , [pdf]
Conferences & Workshops
- C. Kalogiros, A. Kostopoulos, A. Ford , On Designing for Tussle: Future Internet in Retrospect , IFIP EUNICE 2009 - The Internet of the Future, LNCS 5733, pages 98–107 , Barcelona, Spain , September 2009 , [pdf]
- C. Kalogiros, M. Bagnulo, A. Kostopoulos , Understanding Incentives for Prefix Aggregation in BGP , ACM CoNEXT ReArch'09 - Re-Architecting the Internet , Rome, Italy , December 2009 , [pdf]
- Costas Kalogiros, Costas Courcoubetis, Panayotis Antoniadis , WOICE - a Decentralized System for Ubiquitous VoIP Services , DIGIBIZ 2009 - The International Conference on Digital Business , London, UK , June 2009 , [pdf]
- Costas Courcoubetis, Costas Kalogiros, Richard Weber , Optimal Call Routing in VoIP , 21st International Teletraffic Congress, ITC 21 , Paris, France , September 2009 , [pdf]
- Costas Kalogiros, Manos Dramitinos, Costas Courcoubetis, George Stamoulis, Olivier Dugeon , Socioeconomic Tussles Analysis of the ETICS Approach for Providing QoS-enabled Inter-domain Services , Future Network and Mobile Summit , Berlin, Gemany , July 2012 , [pdf]
- Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Torsten Bandyszak, Micha Moffie, Xiaoyu Chen, Thorsten Weyer, Costas Kalogiros, Bassem Nasser, Mike Surridge , Maintaining Trustworthiness of Socio-Technical Systems at Run-Time , 11th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business TrustBus 2014 , September 2014 , [pdf]
- Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Torsten Bandyszak, Micha Moffie, Abigail Goldsteen, Thorsten Weyer, Costas Kalogiros, Bassem Nasser, Mike Surridge , Combining Risk-Management and Computational Approaches for Trustworthiness Evaluation of Socio-Technical Systems , CAISE 2015 Forum , Stocholm, Sweden , June 2015 , [pdf]
- Kalogiros, C., Kanakakis, M., van der Graaf, S., & Vanobberghen, W. , Profit-maximizing trustworthiness level of composite systems , In International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (pp. 357-368). Springer , 2015, August , [pdf]
- Van Der Graaf, S., Vanobberghen, W., Kanakakis, M., & Kalogiros, C. , Usable trust: Grasping trust dynamics for online security as a service , In International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (pp. 271-283). Springer, Cham , 2015, August , [pdf]
- Mohammadi, N. G., Bandyszak, T., Kalogiros, C., Kanakakis, M., & Weyer, T. , A framework for evaluating the end-to-end trustworthiness , In Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 2015 IEEE (Vol. 1, pp. 638-645). IEEE. , 2015, August , [pdf]
- Kanakakis, M., van der Graaf, S., Kalogiros, C., & Vanobberghen, W. , Computing trust levels based on user’s personality and observed system trustworthiness , International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (pp. 71-87) , Crete Greece , (2015, August) , [pdf]
- Angeliki Anastopoulou, Costas Kalogiros , and George D. Stamoulis , Methodology for Managing Cost-Effective Demand Response Campaigns Based on Demand Elasticity Profiles , SustainIt , Funchal, Madera , 2017
- Costas Kalogiros, Andreas Alexopoulos , The role of batteries in the profitability of smart-grid business models , HAEE 2018 , Athens, Greece , May 2018
Research Projects Participation
- (Researcher) NOBEL GRID: New Cost Efficient Business Models for flexible Smart Grids, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Grant Agreement Nº 646184, January 2015 - June 2018
- Responsible for defining and evaluating innovative business models for DSOs, Aggregators, Prosumers, ESCOs, RESCOs and Retailers using the locally developed Business Model Evaluation Tool
- Responsible for assessing the socioeconomic impact of Nobel Grid outputs (i.e., Cost Benefit Analysis at the society level) using the locally developed Business Model Evaluation Tool
- Member of the team for generating energy demand profiles for individual users, which can be used for incentivising their participation in efficient Demand Response campaigns
- (Researcher) OPTET: OPerational Trustworthiness Enabling Technologies, FP7-ICT-2011-8, Grant Agreement No. 317631, November 2012 – October 2015.
- Led the design and evaluation process of 2 GEs (Trust Metric Estimator GE, End-to-End-Trustworthiness Calculator GE)
- Led the design and evaluation process of a component (Optimal Control Selector) that is part of the Control Identification GE
- (Researcher) “ETICS: Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services”, INFSO-ICT-248567, Sep. 2012 to Dec. 2012
- Member of the team designing and evaluating revenue sharing models
- (Researcher) “SESERV: Socio-Economics Service for European Research Projects”, Grant Agreement No: 258138, Sep. 2010 to Aug. 2012: Coordination of European research projects on the economics of Future Internet.
- Responsible for organizing and analyzing 2 focus groups with Future Internet stakeholders
- (Researcher) “TRILOGY: Architecting the Future Internet”, INFSO-ICT-216372, Jan. 2008 to Jul. 2010
- Member of the team responsible for economic evaluation of routing protocols, New Design Principles for the Future Internet.
- (Researcher) “Research of Usage and Impact of EDET II”, GRNET internal project, Sep. 2006 to Sep. 2007: Techno-economic analysis of alternative network infrastructures and cost recovery methods for the Greek NREN.
Professional experience
- (Market Analyst) The effect of discriminatory pricing practices in Greek market for prepaid mobile phone services, prepared for WIND, Greece SA, November 2012 to January 2013
- Responsible for performing What-If scenarios
- (Market Analyst) OPAP Business Plan for Video Lottery Terminals (VLT), for OPAP SA, October 2012, June 2013
- Responsible for evaluating different Business Plan option
- (Market Analyst) Market analysis for ex-ante regulation Greek market for telecommunication service, for OTE S.A September 2005 to July 2006
- Member of the team responsible for analysing the Lease Lines “relevant markets
- (Software Engineer) “National Service Obligation” Aug. 2009 to May 2010: Design and development of several JAVA modules for the Greek army’s ERP
- Responsible for implementing the JAVA module for professional soldiers

Contact Info
Network Economics and Systems Theory Lab
76 Patission Str., GR-10343, Athens
Antoniadou wing, 4th floor
Department of Informatics
Athens University of Economics and Business
Other websites: