Michalis Kanakakis
Research Interests
- Performance of networks and the Internet: Application of tools from stochastic process theory in the analysis of transmission control protocols. Design of congestion control protocols for delay-tolerant data transfers over the Internet.
- Smart Grids: Design of Demand Response algorithms for the efficient utilization of the user’s flexibility in their load scheduling. Pricing mechanisms for resource allocation.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science
Thesis Title: Congestion control algorithms for background data transfers with minimal delay impact.
Advisor: Prof. Costas A. Courcoubetis
Supervising Committee: Prof. George D. Stamoulis, Assistant Prof. Antonis Dimakis
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics, Athens, Greece (2009-2016)
- M.Sc. in Computer Science
Thesis Title: End-to-end congestion control algorithms for volume based applications.
Advisor: Prof. Costas A. Courcoubetis
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics, Athens, Greece (2007-2009)
- Diploma of Engineering in Computer Engineering and Informatics
University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Patra, Greece (2001-2007)
Journals & Books
- Courcoubetis, C. A., Dimakis, A., & Kanakakis, M. , Congestion Control for Background Data Transfers With Minimal Delay Impact , IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25(5), 2743-2758. , 2017 , [pdf]
Conferences & Workshops
- Courcoubetis, C., Dimakis, A., & Kanakakis, M. , Minimally Intrusive Server Policies for Background Data Transfers. , In International Conference on Network Games, Control, and Optimization (pp. 79-88). Birkhäuser, Cham. , 2016, November , [pdf]
- Courcoubetis, C., Dimakis, A., & Kanakakis, M. , Designing incentive compatible protocols for background data transfers. , In Communication Systems (ICCS), IEEE International Conference, (pp. 182-186), IEEE. , 2014, November , [pdf]
- Courcoubetis, C., Dimakis, A., & Kanakakis, M. , Fair Congestion Control for Long-lived Background Flows , In NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NetGCoop), 7th International Conference on (pp. 75-82). IEEE. , Trento, Italy , 2014, October , [pdf]
- P. Eardley, M. Kanakakis, A. Kostopoulos, T. Levä, K. Richardson, H. Warma , Deployment and Adoption of Future Internet Protocols , In J. Dominigue et al. (Eds.): The Future Internet: Achievements and Technological Promises, LNCS, vol. 6656, pp. 133-144, Springer , May 2011 , [pdf]
- A. Kostopoulos, K. Richardson, M. Kanakakis , Investigating the Deployment and Adoption of re-ECN , ACM CoNEXT ReArch'10 - Re-Architecting the Internet , Philadelphia, USA , November 2010 , [pdf]
- M. Kanakakis, M. Minou, C. Courcoubetis, G. D. Stamoulis, G. Thanos , A Practical Iterative Price-Based Approach for Optimal Demand-Response , The Third International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies , Lisbon, Portugal , 2013 , [pdf]
- Kanakakis, M., van der Graaf, S., Kalogiros, C., & Vanobberghen, W. , Computing trust levels based on user’s personality and observed system trustworthiness , International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (pp. 71-87) , Crete Greece , (2015, August) , [pdf]
- Mohammadi, N. G., Bandyszak, T., Kalogiros, C., Kanakakis, M., & Weyer, T. , A framework for evaluating the end-to-end trustworthiness , In Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 2015 IEEE (Vol. 1, pp. 638-645). IEEE. , 2015, August , [pdf]
- Van Der Graaf, S., Vanobberghen, W., Kanakakis, M., & Kalogiros, C. , Usable trust: Grasping trust dynamics for online security as a service , In International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (pp. 271-283). Springer, Cham , 2015, August , [pdf]
- Kalogiros, C., Kanakakis, M., van der Graaf, S., & Vanobberghen, W. , Profit-maximizing trustworthiness level of composite systems , In International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (pp. 357-368). Springer , 2015, August , [pdf]
Research Projects Participation
- WiseGRID H2020-LCE-731205: Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European Smart Grid
- WATTALYST FP7-ICT-288322: Modelling and Analysing Demand Response Systems for Smart Grids
- TRILOGY FP7 - ICT - 216372: Architecting the Future Internet.
- OPTET FP7 - ICT - 317631: Operational Trustworthiness Enabling Technologies.

Contact Info
Athens University of Economics and Business,
Department of Computer Science,
76 Patission St., 4th floor (Antoniadou wing),
Athens 10434, Greece
Office: Theory, Economics and Systems Laboratory
Tel.: +30 210-8203154
E-mail: kanakakis@aueb.gr